"The first danger at fire brigade operations is called fire smoke. Its poisonous, explosive and spreads rapidly, even faster than one could run!"

We deliver Firefighters realistic fire simulations
with high performance-smoke machines for fire brigade exercises.
An added benefit for personal safety, security and Operational success in successfully dealing
with fire smoke!
Michael Jordan, founder Firefog®technology
Unique trait
Realistic and thick smoke with accurate propagation without pollution on button press
Tested technology
The artificial smoke was tested by TÜV Austria Services and certified by the TGM Vienna Materials testing institute
All smoke
machines by
Firefog® are
are sturdily built
As mobile
machines or
stationary use
in gas-fired BSA/fire houses

Respiratory protection exercises
Situational representation of smoke-filled rooms - search and rescue of people - communication -thermal imaging camera training, tactical ventilation - exercises with ventilation devices.

Underground car park operational exercises
With the mobile smoke generators from Firefog®, it's possible to train in underground car parks in conjunction with the existing RWA, DBA, BRA without leaving any dirt on the building.

Tunnel fire operations exercises
Road and rail vehicle tunnel systems pose particular challenges for fire departments. Efficient high performance smoke production is possible with Firefog®.
Firefog®technology has been serving since 2008 preventative and defensive fire protection. the Firefog® method has been evaluated as state of the art in professional, factory, company, airport fire department and in volunteer fire departments, as well as fire brigade schools and fire training centers.

We are happy to be at your service

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