About Firefog® technology

At the beginning was the idea to provide fire departments with realistic smoke simulations!
The principle was to transform the well-known theater and disco fog into an artificial smoke that spreads similarly to real fire smoke, rising rapidly to the ceiling and releasing an extreme particle density.
Firefog® products contribute to enhancing personal safety for respiratory protection teams in fire operations and training operational routines in handling fire smoke.
These principles led to the founding of Firefog® technology in 2008 under the international brand name.
By now, the Firefog® method has established itself as a standard across various fire departments, including volunteer fire brigades, professional fire departments, industrial fire brigades, airport fire departments, state fire schools, fire training centers, district, section, and regional fire associations. See references.
With mobile and stationary fire smoke simulation systems tailored for firefighter training and flow tests in preventive fire protection, we are at your service.
High-quality components from European companies are handcrafted with the goal of providing reliable and very stable fire smoke simulators for defensive and preventive fire protection.
Special features of Firefog® technology:
- Extremely dense and long-lasting smoke
- Realistic rise of the artificial smoke
- Rapid smoke spread
- No oily residues
- Tested according to MAK & TRGS900
- Easy handling
- Tested for flammability
Avoid respiratory protection accidents and increase personal safety in fire operations—this is our goal!
Successful fire service trainers confirm the guiding principle:
"You must train the way you want to behave in a fire operation!"
Respiratory protection teams can practice the following training content in Firefog® smoke-filled environments.
- Behavior Under Respiratory Protection
- Communication and Orientation
- Familiarization with Thermal Imaging Cameras
- Person Search and Rescue
- Respiratory Protection Accident / Crash Rescue from a Life-Threatening Situation
- Tactical Ventilation / Pressure Ventilation / Hydraulic Ventilation
- Flow Visualization for Large Fans and Turbine Firefighting Robots

1. Photo at the top of this page: Thanks to Christopher Sebastian Harms/Berlin